INTERNET: Allows applications to open network sockets.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE: Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Allows applications to access information about networks.Types words you didn't intend to type sometimes.Type a word once and the software adds it to your personal dictionary.Glide typing and voice typing available.With this keyboard, you cut your typing time in half, and you make it much easier to use the keyboard. With the voice typing, you can more easily dictate text while you're on the move. You can share anything from weather forecasts to videos to images to nearby stores and restaurants. If you possess multiple devices, you can sync learned words across these devices to improve the suggestions. All you have to do is type a word once and suggestions for the word will be made next time. What's even cooler? As you type, the keyboard learns your habits, so you no longer need to add words to your personal dictionary. With the multilingual keyboard, you can switch languages at the drop of a hat. Gboard includes emojis and you can also conduct GIF searches. You can do it straight from the keyboard. You no longer have to switch apps to share information. Along with those features, you have Google Search built into the software. The keyboard includes everything you will love from glide typing, voice typing and more. In addition, you have complete compatibility with tablets and Android smartphones. Google Keyboard, this rapid-typing tool developed by Google, supports up to 26 languages and dictionaries. It means faster writing with as few of errors as possible. Of the most essential features, "Gesture Typing with dynamic floating preview," will be your most important feature. You can write words and even sentences in less than two seconds. Google Keyboard, an intelligent keyboard, increases your writing speed thanks to the option for keyboard customized gestures.